Best practices for Place types

With MeeteR, organizers can host in-person, hybrid, and virtual events. There are four Place types that can be hosted on the platform – outlined below are the best practices and suggestions for each.


Location Place types are for physical places.

After you have searched a Location the screen will expand, giving you the option to include additional address information.

Here are a few recommendations and best practices we recommend when completing the Locationplace type:

  • Event is at one venue/location: include the exact address for the specific venue

  • To provide your attendees with a precise location: adjust and move around the location pin (latitude/longitude) on the map

Label Place types are for specific places within your venue/location.

This place type is great for sessions or events that take place within a venue, such as a specific room, hall, or studio.

Here are a few recommendations and best practices we recommend when completing the Label place type:

  • Event is at one venue/location: include the room/suite number (i.e., Room 333; Suite B)

  • The event spans multiple venues/locations: include the name of the building/venue and the room number (i.e., Convention Center Building B - Room B33)

Online Place types are for virtual events.

Use the Online type for any events that are hosted virtually - it allows users to include a virtual event link rather than a venue address or location.

Here are a few recommendations and best practices we recommend when completing the Online place type:

  • Public URL - toggling it on enables all audiences to access your event link, toggling it off ensures that only after registration will attendees receive this URL.

Placeholder Place types are for events where the location is still pending or unknown at the time of event creation.

For events where the location is not yet known, we recommend using the Placeholder type and titling it ‘TBD’ or ‘TBA’.