Adding sponsors to your event

On this page you will find:

Show some love for the companies and organizations that helped make your event possible by designating them as an official sponsor for the event. With that recognition, you can give them a spot on your Sponsor's section to increase their visibility to attendees.

Only Group Organizers have the ability to manage sponsors for all events within groups they are part of. Only Event Organizers have the ability to manage sponsors for events they have been given access to.

Adding sponsors to your event

  1. Navigate to the Manage Event page of the event where the specific event session is located

  2. On the left-hand side navigation, in the Event Manager section, select Sponsors

  3. Select + New Sponsor

  4. Complete the New Sponsor fields and then select Create
    Note: Depending on the sponsor’s Tier level, it will determine in which order they’re displayed

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