Canceling an event

On this page you will find:

If you need to cancel your event, follow the steps outlined below. Also, keep in mind that it’s important to communicate with your attendees and, if necessary, issue any refunds.

Only Group Organizers have the ability to manage all events within groups they are part of. Only Event Organizers have the ability to manage events they have been given access to.

Requirements to cancel an event

Canceling an event will remove it from public listings, change its status to canceled, archive its information, and prevent any future changes. Canceled events cannot be republished. In order to cancel an event, your event must meet the following criteria:

  • No pending or unrefunded orders

  • No pending or in progress checkouts

For instructions on refunds, reference this article Refunding an order.

Canceling an event

  1. From the Manage Event view, select the event status bar

  2. Select Cancel

  3. You will be prompted with a confirmation pop-up, select Confirm

  4. Once an event is canceled, you will still be able to reference event details

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