Setting a custom URL for your event page

On this page you will find:

You can create a custom URL ending to make your link more relevant to your brand, event, and attendees. The URL ending is the part of the URL that comes after the /e/ in a MeeteR link. By default, this is a randomly-generated string of numbers and letters.

Only Group Organizers have the ability to edit and copy event URL endings for groups that they are part of. Only Event Organizers have the ability to edit and copy event URL endings for events they have been given access to.

Setting a custom URL from your event page

  1. Navigate to the Manage Event page of the specific event that needs the custom URL ending

  2. On the left-hand side navigation, in the Event Manager section, select Marketing

  3. Click into the Custom URL field and enter a custom URL ending

  4. Click Save

  5. To copy, select Copy to Clipboard

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