Hosting an online event

On this page you will find:

In today’s hyper-connect world, you don’t always need a physical location in order to host a successful event. Instead of booking a venue, ask attendees to join your virtual event from their workplace, home office, or hotel room.

Only Group Organizers have the ability to manage all events within groups they are part of. Only Event Organizers have the ability to manage events they have been given access to.

Hosting a private online event

  1. Click your avatar icon to open the drop-down menu and select Create Event button

  2. You will be re-directed to the Create New Event form. Enter your basic information here:

    Upload: Add a cover photo for your event
    Hosted by: Select which group you would like the event to be created in
    Title: Enter the name of your event.
    Date and Time: Use the dropdown calendar to set your event's date and set your events start and optional end times. 
    Place: To create a private online event, type in the name of the video conferencing tool or the name of the online placeholder

    1. Select + Create


    2. For Type* select Online - to make sure your event is private deselect the checkbox Public URL


    3. After completing the required fields, select Create to complete your online place type


  3. After you complete the form, select Save Draft

  4. From the Manage Event view, on the left-hand side navigation bar, scroll towards the very bottom where the Settings button is located

    1. Visibility & Privacy:

      Make Event Private: select the option if you would like your event to be private — this prevents the event from being shown to the public, only those who have been provided with the event URL can see your event page.

    2. Email Options: 

      1. Include tickets PDF: Select this option for attendees to be emailed a PDF document with their tickets

      2. Custom Email Message: Include additional instructions and information about your event. Your audience will receive the custom messaging when they receive their order receipt (ref. order receipt below).

        Warning: If the link is made available in the Custom Email Message, buyers will receive the link immediately after purchasing a ticket which can lead to your link being shared.


  5. After you complete the form, select Save - this is how the order receipt will appear when attendees have registered

Hosting a public online event

  1. Click your avatar icon to open the drop-down menu and select Create Event button

  2. You will be re-directed to the Create New Event form. Enter your basic information here:

    Upload: Add a cover photo for your event
    Hosted by: Select which group you would like the event to be created in
    Title: Enter the name of your event
    Date and Time: Use the dropdown calendar to set your event's date and set your events start and optional end times
    Place: To create a private online event, type in the name of the video conferencing tool or the name of the online placeholder

    1. Select + Create


    2. For Type* select Online - to make sure your event is private deselect the checkbox Public URL

      Warning: if Public URL is checked, this will be visible to all attendees viewing the event page details


    3. After completing the required fields, select Create to complete your online place type


  3. After you complete the form, select Save Draft

For step-by-step instructions on how to complete the remaining event fields and publish your event, feel free to reference this article Creating a classic event

Tips for hosting a successful online event

1. Do a run-through.

Technical issues happen. Test your equipment, internet connection, and online tools ahead of time. This is especially important if you have speakers joining from multiple locations.

PRO TIP: If you’re running a large event and have a tight timeline, have someone available to troubleshoot any technical issues you or your attendees experience.

2. Consider collaborative notes.

Consider creating a shareable Google Document or Paper Dropbox and including this attachment in the Custom Email Message so attendees can share notes. This is a great way to promote engagement and build a connection between your attendees.

3. Take breaks.

If your event is longer than an hour or takes place in multiple sessions, take breaks. This helps attendees stay focused and engaged.

4. Send a post-event survey.

Send a survey to get feedback. This shows attendees you're focused on creating a positive experience.

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