Creating a classic event

On this page you will find:

Basic information

  1. Click your avatar icon to open the drop-down menu. Select Create Event button

  2. You will be re-directed to the New Event form. Enter your basic info here:

    Title: Enter the name of your event
    Start: Use the dropdown calendar to set your event's date and start and include an optional end times. 
    Hosted by: select which group is facilitating the event
    Place: select an existing place or create a new place by selecting + Create New Place– it can either be a Location, Label, Online, or Placeholder type. For best-practices and suggestions on completing this field, click here.

  3. After you complete the form, select Save Draft

Event details

  1. From the left-side menu, select the Event Details drop-down
    Note: Basic Info section was previously completed on step #2

  2. Select Media tab to add your events Cover and/or Description Header Image that will display to your attendees

  3. Select Description tab to include relevant event details you would like attendees to know. Use the toolbar above the description field to customize the formatting.  
    Note: Organizers can only add up to 3 description sections

    1. Tip: Include Relevant #HashTags in the description fields - any word prefaced with “#” will create a hashtag for that event, allowing users to search for any events with that tag. This feature will make it easier for you or your audience to filter through all the events.

Creating tickets

  1. Select Tickets – To add a ticket, click the + Create button and complete the New Ticket form

    Choose your ticket type and enter your ticket information, tickets can either be:

    1. Free - tickets do not cost anything

    2. Paid - price needs to be set

  2. After you complete the form, select Create


Setting up payments

  1. Select Payment – ensure the event has the correct payment settings, organizers have two options: per event payouts or group payment settings


For an in-depth how-to, reference this article Enabling payout methods at a per event-level

Additional settings and publishing your event

  1. Select Settings to enable specific event setting features for your event – after you complete the form, select Save to update your event settings



    Make Event Private: If you would like your event to be private, you can select the Is Private — this prevents the event from being shown to the public, only those who have been provided with the event URL can see your event page.

    Order Settings: 

    1. Include ticket PDF: Select this option to Include Ticket PDFs on all Orders

    2. Include custom email message: Include additional instructions and information about your event. Your audience will receive the custom messaging when they receive their order receipt.

Publishing your event

  1. Confirm sections 1-4 are complete (e.g. basic information, event details, creating tickets, and setting up payments)

  2. On the left-hand nav, select Publish to make your event live

If any of the above steps were skipped, organizers will be prompted with a pop-up notifying them of the criteria’s that need to be met

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